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This page was generated using data obtained on 2023-11-04. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

Wikipedia article linked from OSM object using wikipedia tag is missing.
Often article was moved without leaving redirect and wikipedia tag should be edited to point to the new one.
Article may be deleted and no longer existing, or link was never valid. In such cases wikipedia tag should be deleted.

Stabna - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(9051622166)['wikipedia'='sr:%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%B0']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links to 404']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)

linked wikidata entry (Q165137) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to remove wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Big wild cherry - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(9970626423)['wikidata'='Q165137']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q12631219) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to remove wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Franco Alfirević Pjesnik - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(4317197310)['wikidata'='Q12631219']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a conflict

linked wikidata entry (Q19247732) is about a conflict, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to remove wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Sutorina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( relation(4098902)['wikidata'='Q19247732']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a conflict']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a religious denomination

linked wikidata entry (Q90901563) is about a religious denomination, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to remove wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Crkva Svete Trojice - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(186817704)['wikidata'='Q90901563']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a religious denomination']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q121418883 vs Q13081511 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Crvena stijena - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q200733 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Nikšić - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q390605 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Plužine - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q187381 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Zelenika - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q788450 vs Q118994591 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Zupci - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q2118911 vs (missing) wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Tunel Vrmac - an affected OSM element that may be improved

wikidata and wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q252273 vs Q1252942 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Duklja - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(10879170567)['wikidata'='Q121418883']['wikipedia'='bs:Crvena stijena (Crna Gora)']; node(255351703)['wikidata'='Q200733']['wikipedia'='sr:Nikšić']; node(255352645)['wikidata'='Q390605']['wikipedia'='sr:Plužine']; node(428001652)['wikidata'='Q187381']['wikipedia'='sr:Zelenika']; relation(10461485)['wikidata'='Q788450']['wikipedia'='en:Zupci']; way(23570249)['wikidata'='Q2118911']['wikipedia'='sr:Tunel Vrmac']; way(961707114)['wikidata'='Q252273']['wikipedia'='en:Duklja']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch']

wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for brand prefixed tags

brand:wikidata and brand:wikipedia tags link to a different objects (Q14915070 vs Q845632 wikidata id assigned to linked Wikipedia article)
Telenor - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(219103093)['brand:wikidata'='Q14915070']['brand:wikipedia'='en:Telenor']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia wikidata mismatch - for brand prefixed tags']

wikipedia page in unexpected language - ceb is a low quality, bot generated wikipedia - it should not be linked
Simova pecina - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(3517654451)['wikidata'='Q27567287']['wikipedia'='ceb:Simova Pećina']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia tag links bot wikipedia']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

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