Feedback? Ideas? Complaints? Suggestions? Request for report about other area? send me a message!
This page was generated using data obtained on 2024-10-10. Please, send me a message if you want it updated!

Remember to check whether edits make sense! All reports are on this page because these tasks require human judgment to verify whether the proposed edit makes sense. Some proposed edits will be wrong, in such case they should be not done and problem reported

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)

linked wikidata entry (Q138617)(Ceiba pentandra article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q3004013)(Cenostigma pluviosum article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q3695281)(Tabebuia rosea article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q31936)(Syzygium malaccense article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q387442)(Spathodea campanulata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q414264)(Cecropia article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q652839)(Adonidia merrillii article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(11692099416)['wikidata'='Q138617']; node(11692116912)['wikidata'='Q3004013']; node(11692125039)['wikidata'='Q3695281']; node(11692152150)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11692156348)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11692169161)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11692172817)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11692185300)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11692190957)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(11728490127)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490128)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490129)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490130)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490131)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490132)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490133)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490134)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728490135)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11728501060)['wikidata'='Q31936']; node(11982363784)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; node(11982363785)['wikidata'='Q387442']; node(11992771271)['wikidata'='Q414264']; node(12032755577)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; node(12047154506)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; node(12047154507)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; node(12047154508)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; node(6335503925)['wikidata'='Q652839']; node(6335521427)['wikidata'='Q652839']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q17478250)(Hena Rodríguez article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Tumba de Hena Rodriguez - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q24287613)(Carolina Cárdenas Núñez article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Tumba de Carolina Cárdenas Núñez - an affected OSM element that may be improved

linked wikidata entry (Q8605)(Simón Bolívar article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Simón Bolivar - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12218364679)['wikidata'='Q17478250']; node(12218372485)['wikidata'='Q24287613']; node(1246407399)['wikidata'='Q8605']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a human']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a word or phrase

linked wikidata entry (Q1093102)(Chía, Cundinamarca article) is about a word or phrase, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Chía - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(5540750518)['wikidata'='Q1093102']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia and wikidata tag to a word or phrase']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q3183880)(Jorge Robledo (conquistador) article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Monumento a Mariscal Jorge Robledo - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12089183273)['wikipedia'='es:Jorge_Robledo_(conquistador)']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikipedia tag to a human']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)

linked wikidata entry (Q2998776)(Cecropia peltata article) is about an animal or plant (and not an individual one), so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12047583694)['wikidata'='Q2998776']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to an animal or plant (and not an individual one)']

should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a human

linked wikidata entry (Q77250554)(Muerte de Dilan Cruz article) is about a human, so it is very unlikely to be correct
subject:wikipedia=* or name:wikipedia tag would be probably better (see for full list of what else may be applicable)
in case of change remember to add such prefix (or remove) wikidata tag if it is present
object categorised by Wikidata - wrong classification may be caused by wrong data on Wikidata
Monumento a Dilan Cruz - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(7596478341)['wikidata'='Q77250554']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['should use a secondary wikipedia tag - linking from wikidata tag to a human']

link leads to a disambig page - not a proper wikipedia link (according to Wikidata - if target is not a disambig check Wikidata entry whether it is correct)

Alameda de Quebrada Vieja is 206 km away
La Vieja (grupo) <no location data on wikidata>

La Vieja - an affected OSM element that may be improved

link leads to a disambig page - not a proper wikipedia link (according to Wikidata - if target is not a disambig check Wikidata entry whether it is correct)

Avenida Las Torres (Bogotá-Soacha) is 8261 km away
Avenida Las Torres (Peñalolén) is 8261 km away
Avenida Las Torres (Santiago de Chile) is 4229 km away
Avenida Las Torres (estación) <no location data on wikidata>
Control de autoridades is 8261 km away
Wikidata is 8261 km away

Calle 57B Sur - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12089183274)['wikipedia'='es:La Vieja']; way(1208170315)['wikidata'='Q112781431']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['link to a disambiguation page']

malformed wikipedia tag

malformed value in wikipedia tag (Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés)
Avenida Carrera 51 - an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in wikipedia tag (Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés)
an affected OSM element that may be improved

malformed value in wikipedia tag (Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés)
Avenida Carrera 33 - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( way(1076620309)['wikipedia'='Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés']; way(1180993006)['wikipedia'='Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés']; way(24191099)['wikipedia'='Avenida Jorge Gaitán Cortés']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['malformed wikipedia tag']

wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag

brand:wikidata=Q24749847 is present despite that not:brand:wikidata=Q24749847 is also present - at least one of them is wrong
Olímpica - an affected OSM element that may be improved

overpass query usable in JOSM that will load all objects where this specific error is present:
[out:xml][timeout:3600]; ( node(12057242542)['brand:wikidata'='Q24749847']['not:brand:wikidata'='Q24749847']; ); (._;>;); out meta qt;//['wikipedia/wikidata type tag that is incorrect according to not:* tag']

Other useful resources

JOSM Wikipedia plugin

Note to self: online version hosted at, files are stored at